Sleep is for losers

Swathy Tantry
2 min readDec 2, 2017


“Sleep is for looserrs,” called out the hawker as mediocre heroes passed by his stall. “Would you like some of my sleep induced carrots?” he asked expectantly.

Dart’s eyelids fought each other. It’d been 7 days since she’d slept. Being a mediocre hero with a day job is the worst best thing that Dart had fought for.

“You won’t be able to handle a dual life dear.”

“Don’t repeat your father’s mistake”

Dart didn’t listen to anyone but herself. Should’ve just taken the easy way out but no! Classic pig headed me has always been a rebel without a cause. Congratulations! She landed her jet-pack on her office terrace and took the stairs down stumbling all the way to the 3rd floor.

“Graduate from mediocre to super with my latest invention. Sleep is for looserrs. One bite of these carrots and you’re good to go for the next 8 hours. Make sure to share the coupon code LOOSERR15 with your friends to get 10% off your next purchase,” went the gif.

“Hey caffeine addict!” called out a colleague as she went to get her 4th dose of espresso.

A designer, Dart’s canvas was dancing with orange squiggles that she hadn’t created. As beautiful and animated as they looked Dart figured it was time she upgraded. She didn’t want to be mediocre all her life. The orange squiggles forming a wizard were definitely a sign if nothing else.

She couldn’t believe she was falling for this gimmick but it was still better than quitting her day job. Dart was desperate and she had no shame admitting it. Let’s try this, what do I have to lose? What if it works? What if this is something revolutionary?

“Sleep is for loosers!” yelled out the old hawker.

His eyes gleamed green as Dart said, “I’ll take the whole lot.”

